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Our Sustainability Program

We are as dedicated to closing the digital and educational divide as we are about creating sustainability. Working with our partners, our nomadic education tools enable learners to be connected with critical information to sustain their futures, livelihoods, and families. With our focus on sustainability we have created our devices for learners to learn while keeping their environments green. 


How it works: our initiative allows us to recieve back all learning devcies. The Learn Kernels will then be repurposed and disposed of properly leaving our partners and their supporting environments clean. 

How it Works

Go Green

Learn Kernel works with its partnerships to secure markets for those in need of the mobile Learn Kernel tablet-like device. Once our devices are implemented into their new home environment, children and adults will be able to learn crucial information to sustain their futures. After a Learn Kernel is  has been  worn down or broken from its use the the field our partners will keep a collection of Learn Kernel devices in a safe designated area. Then, after a period of time the Learn Kernels are collected and shipped back to our Headquarters for repurposing and proper disposal. 


Learn Kernel offers incentives for its"Go Green" environmental sustainability plan by allowing a credit to be placed with our partners on future orders of Learn Kernel devices to replace the ones that are currently being disposed.  Remember, Learn Kernels are not everyday disposal they are designed to last a long-time, unless broken, before the need of a new Learn Kernel device. 

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